QUEENS—It’s nearly’bout TIME!!
Thirsty Thursday starts with LUNCH AT Crazy Cat Eat Up, as usual! 11-2 Just come on down when you’re hungry & remember our Hilton Queen Kathy McGinnis Proctor is happy to transport you to & fro!
About dark:30, Spud Stud Tommy Burroughs will crank up ALL his Equipment & bring us THE 80’s—dress accordingly! Heavy on the AquaNet!
FRIDAY is BIG HAT BRUNCH at DRAGOS—Spud Stud Scott Caples will be passing judgment & awarding the Hats That Please Him Most!
FRIDAY NIGHT—dancing to FAZE 4–& it’ll be MRS. ROPER NIGHT!
SATURDAY 3/22 IS Hal’s St. Paddy’s Parade & Festival!! The Grand Marshal is world-renowned MS BLUESMAN JESSE ROBINSON & the theme is a play off the 1920’s blues anthem “Hey! Hey! The Blues Is Alright”—only it’s HEY! HEY! THE BLUES IS ALL GREEN…
SATURDAY NIGHT—more frolicking with FAZE 4 & it’s PJ’S & PEARLS. The BIG AISS CROWN RAFFLE will conclude at 9pm—REMEMBER YOU MUST BE IN THE ROOM & WILDLY ENTHUSIASTIC to win! All $$ to Friends of Children’s Hospital!
SUNDAY MORNING—BATHROBE BRUNCH—doors open at 8:30–everything kicks off at 9 & I am CRABBY IF YOU’RE LATE!