Register Your Chapter
Total Chapters Registered: 6528
Please fill out as much of the form as you would like. This registration is just for fun, so we know who and where you are. We do expect to see all y’all in Jackson, the fourth weekend of March, for Fondren’s Zippity Doo Dah Weekend!
SPQ Chapter
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Latest Chapters
Welcome to the latest O-fficial chapters!
- The South Alabama Sweet Tarts of Enterprise, AL
- Double Trouble of Natchitoches, LA
- Boa Babe Queens of Louisville, KY
- Queen Bettys, Snow Queens of all that is cold (but of Ionia, MI
- don't know of haysville, KS
- Central Seattle of Seattle, WA
- BuncoMammas of Louisville, KY
- Sweet Mama's of Newberry, SC
- Cookie Sabine's Guadalupe River Bottom Queens of Victoria, TX